A Poem
What is your G-dly soul?
Chelek eloka m’maal (a part of G-d above) -- Iyov 31:2
Perek 2 Tanya, The Alter Rebbe adds “mamash” - literally
It is a “part” of G-d above.
Not a piece.
G-d is not a pie that is divisible.
If you have a part of Him,
You have all of Him.
Perek 3 Pirkei Avos, Mishnah 14
"Man is beloved because he is made in G-d’s image"
The Jewish People are beloved because they are G-d’s children (דברים יד:א)
What does it mean that we are G-d’s children?
What are children?
Think about this - can a blind person have children who can see?
Yes, because the child is a copy of essence.
A cow gives birth to a cow
Lions have lions
Humans have humans.
What then does it mean that we are G-d’s children?
It means that our soul, our essence, is a copy of His essence.
Whatever is true of Hashem is true of us too.
How valuable is G-d?
Is there a limit to His value?
Are there conditions to His value?
What makes G-d valuable?
Is it because He created the world?
No, He was G-d before He created the world.
G-d is valuable, period.
And so are you.